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Club Relations focuses on communicating with the local clubs and members of AANR West to inform and promote other events within the region with the goal of avoiding scheduling conflicts, especially for major events. Another goal is to encourage participants of events to share their stories and experiences with AANR West for publication on the website and newsletter for promotional purposes.
When it is found that AANR-West By-laws or procedures need to be updated to comply with federal, state, local laws, or AANR International bylaws and procedures, or simply need to be updated, the Bylaws & Procedures committee assembles the appropriate motions to be presented to the Board of Directors at its next scheduled meeting for discussion and possible action.
By-law changes can only be made by the regional assembly once each year. Procedures can be changed at one of the three Board meetings or by email in the case of an emergency.
The goal of the Family Committee is to ensure that clubs and events are family friendly and to encourage clubs to include activities that are attractive to families, regardless of age, gender, or orientation. Included in this goal is to promote the acceptance of single men and women of all ages at clubs and events.
The members of this committee are familiar with QuickBooks, and they supervise the budget-making process each Fall. During the rest of the year they approve all major expenditures and help the committees manage their allocated funds. They periodically review and make recommendations regarding reimbursement procedures.
Government Affairs is one of the more important committees as it monitors news stories and legislative bills to be sure no government entity (federal, state, county, local community) is proposing any laws or other restrictions on our ability to enjoy our nudist way of life.
The committee chair(s) sit on the AANR Government Affairs Board and attend a monthly telephone conference call with our counterparts in other regions to decide courses of action on issues that may occur at any time.
The committee’s goal is to create and maintain a book of standard policy positions, so we can be consistent with our mission statement’s goals.
The committee works with the Naturist Society’s Naturist Action Committee (NAC), our GAT counterpart, to be sure all actions are aligned.
The Internal Affairs committee is tasked with making sure that AANR-West complies with all federal non-profit regulations, state corporate law, and local business regulations. It also assures that AANR-West follows all bylaws and procedures as specified by AANR International.
The committee also seeks out and vets private practice attorneys interested in providing legal advice to the attorneys of nudists who may have received tickets for simple nudity in areas where it is traditional to be nude. The attorneys will also provide advice or appropriate assistance to AANR members involved in legal custody disputes where nudity has become one of the issues.
Direct Members associated with AANR West are mostly administered by the main office in Kissimmee, Florida. However, AANR West also communicates with these members directly to inform them about the services we can provide and events in our region, as well as activities hosted by the clubs in our region. Direct Members associated with AANR West are also delivered our monthly Newsletter directly via email.
The Membership Committee also continues effective marketing channels and discovers new methods of promoting AANR West including, but not limited to, events and promotional material to be distributed at clubs and events.
The Public Relations Committee focuses on public outreach programs, educating those unfamiliar with social nudity through the AANR-West website, social media, and gathering written material for feature articles created for publication.
Through social media, AANR West posts positive and inspiration information to promote social nudism movement and to encourage our exiting members and to possibly attract people who have never engaged is social nudism. AANR-West does this through their various social media accounts.
The AANR West website is continually updated with current content including announcements, information about clubs and events, and articles for those seeking information about nudism.
The AANR West Newsletter is hosted on the AANR West website and links to the newsletter are sent out monthly via a mass email service (currently MailChimp).
The AANR-West Scholarship Program accepts applications from high school seniors, college students, and people returning to class for technical training in order to return to work or get a promotion.
The Sports Committee creates, coordinates, and promotes various sport events at AANR clubs, typically, at the AANR West Summer Convention and Fall Festival. When requested, the Sports Committee can also provide assistance at other inter-club competitions sponsored by groups or local clubs.
The committee also promotes the annual 5K races held at regional clubs and provides awards for those participating in most or all the races.
The Women In Nude Recreation (WINR) Committee promotes issues of interest specific to women in social nudity. They have their own promotional material and events, sometimes host information booths at trade shows, and host their own events. WINR also has a dedicated page on the AANR West Website and space in the AANR West Monthly Newsletter.
Other special committees sometimes also exist. Currently these committees are the Western Nudist Library Committee, Conventions & Facilities and Delegates, and the Nominations and Awards Committee. These committees exist to take on a specific task.
The Conventions & Facilities and Delegates Committee is overseen by the Vice President and are required to meet only a few times each year as they secure the locations of the three Board of Director meetings and the Annual Regional Convention, and assign the number of delegates each club may have at the Regional Convention and administers their credentials.
The Nominations & Awards Committee is also overseen by the the Vice President and are responsible to seek out the names of persons interested in seeking election to the Board of Directors or as elected Officers of AANR-West, confirm any necessary qualifications, and collect/distribute candidate statements for review by the convention delegates prior to the annual election process.
They also gather the names of persons from the various clubs who are the “unsung heroes” of the region, those volunteers who do so much at the local level who deserve recognition as Man of the Year, Woman of the Year, Family of the Year, Young Man/Woman of the Year, and the Hall of Fame Award (Lifetime Achievement). Other awards are given out to individuals in such categories as Sports, Government Affairs, etc. Clubs also receive annual awards for membership increases and other categories of merit.
From time to time we will add a temporary (Ad Hoc) Committee to handle a specific task that is not expected to need long to complete.