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October 2024

Happy Halloween to all AANR West Members and Friends!
Gather 'round, ghouls and goblins, witches and warlocks! As the eerie night falls upon us, it's time to celebrate the spookiest night of the year with fellow naturists who share a love for fun and a penchant for the uncanny. 
Let's embrace the chilling whispers of the autumn wind and the rustle of falling leaves beneath our bare feet. Halloween is here, and though we may not don the usual costumes, let's wear our most spooktacular smiles and the magical glow of camaraderie.
Whether you find yourself bobbing for apples at a ghostly gala or sharing ghost stories by the flickering light of a campfire, may your Halloween be filled with hauntingly good times and frightfully good company. 
Bewitching festivities await, so let's cast a spell of joy and laughter across our naturist community. 
Let your spirit shine as bright as the harvest moon. Have a safe and enjoyable All Hallows' Eve! 
With boos and hugs,
Your AANR West Family 
Stay spooky, yet safe! And remember, the best costume is your natural smile!

The Importance of Knowing About Candidates in Elections

By Steven Schubert
With the 2024 election just weeks away (are you tired of the ads yet??), it’s important for nudists, as well as other special interest groups, to be fully informed about the candidates who may impact their lifestyle. For many, the main focus is on the presidency as well as federal offices. However, it’s often on the state level where legislation is introduced that may be cause for concern. A recent example of this is in Arizona, where the 2023 legislature threatened to pass SB 1698, which if strictly construed would have made many (if not all) activities illegal.

This bill was identified by Government Affairs (“GAT”) and monitored. When it seemed to “sprout legs” AANR leadership and legal counsel was notified. The decision was made to watch the bill’s progress. When it appeared that the bill was heading towards the Governor, a blast email went out to nudists urging them to the Governor to veto the bill. Fortunately, Arizona’s Governor Hobbs struck the bill down.

Unfortunately, many people don’t really know what their state and local officials really stand for. It’s not uncommon for folks to vote for individuals that share their voter registration.

So how can we educate ourselves to find out what the candidates stand for? is an excellent source. This site breaks elections down by state, contains biographies of candidates (beware that oftentimes they’re written by the candidate’s team or party). What’s particularly useful is the website’s statewide breakdown which includes the individual’s legislative history, including those bills sponsored by the candidate.

If you want to know about who sponsored past legislation (e.g., SB 1698), you can go to the State’s legislative website, which often allows you to review individual bills. The website also allows you to review proposed bills from past sessions (there’s a tab in the upper left corner of the page) I’ve included links for Ballotpedia and Arizona, below.

In a democratic society, the act of voting is one of the most powerful tools we have to influence their government, shape our communities and most importantly, protect our rights. However, the effectiveness of this power hinges significantly on voters’ knowledge of the candidates running for office. Understanding who these candidates are, their values, policies, and past actions is crucial for several reasons. In today’s world, where decisiveness, misinformation and social media provide most of the information people see about elections, the responsibility to know who and what we are voting for, is necessary to preserve our freedom.

As elections approach, citizens must take the time to research and understand the individuals vying for office. By doing so, they not only enhance their own voting experience but also contribute to a more informed and active society. As the saying goes, "Knowledge is power," and in the realm of politics, this power can lead to significant change.

Here's a few links that may be helpful:,_2024 (this allows you to search bills by the House or Senate)

SB 1698 (Introduced during the First Regular Session in 2023) -


2024-2025 Officers & Board of Directors listed from left to right:

Gary Holden, Larry Gould, Cathy Watzel, Andy Walden, Cyndi Tendick, David Ziegler, Treena Saavedra, Mike Selby, Freddie Carlile, Jeff Jackson, Steve Schubert, Mark Pavelchak, and not in picture Michelle Carlson.

Summary of Changes to the By-Laws August 2024

Here’s a summary of the proposed and approved updates to the AANR West By-laws for August 2024:

Article II - Purpose

  • Clarifies the purpose and IRS standing of AANR-West as a 501©(7) non-profit social organization. Donations are not tax-deductible.

Article IV - Regional Assembly

  • General: The Regional Assembly, composed of delegates from charter clubs and direct members, is the legislative body and final authority on By-Laws. The Board, with input from the Assembly, has final authority on Procedures.
  • Delegates and Voting: Voting by proxy is not allowed. Club delegates vote based on their club’s policies and AANR membership count as of April 30th. Each Direct Member has one vote.

These updates aim to clarify organizational purpose and improve governance efficiency.

For the full details of the proposed and excepted changes click here.

AANR West Clubs, Parks, & Resorts

Arroyo del Sol Clothing Optional B&B Destination Club Altadena, CA
Buff-A-Teers Travel Club Tucson, AZ
Canyon State Naturists Travel Club Phoenix, AZ
Clothes Free International Online Club Oakhurst, CA
Clothing Optional Home Network Travel Club Phoenix, AZ
Front Range Naturists Travel Club Boulder, CO
Glen Eden Sun Club Destination Club Corona, CA
Hawaiian Naturist Park Destination Club PĀHOA, HI
Laguna del Sol Destination Club Wilton, CA
Las Vegas Bares Travel Club Las Vegas NV
Las Vegas Naturists Travel Club Las Vegas NV
Le Club Travel Club San Diego, CA
Lupin Lodge Destination Club Los Gatos, Ca
Mohave Sun Club Travel Club Lake Havasu, City AZ
Mira Vista Resort Destination Club Tucson, AZ
Mountain Air Ranch Destination Club Indian Hills, CO
Northern California Exposure Travel Club Sacramento, CA
Olive Dell Ranch Destination Club Colton, CA
Olympian Club Travel Club Riverside, CA
Pacificans Travel Club Corona CA
Roadrunner Naturists Travel Club Albuquerque, NM
Sequoians Destination Club Castro Valley, CA
Shangri La Ranch Destination Club New River, AZ
Southern California Naturist Association Travel Club Calabasas, CA
Southern Utah Naturist Society Travel Club St. George, UT
Sun Tree Travel Club Travel Club Las Cruces, NM
Swim Free Hawaii Boat Charter Destination Club Hawaii, HI
Wasatch Naturists Travel Club South Salt Lake City, UT


Empowerment through Nakedness

In today's image-obsessed culture, the concept of nudity is often conflated with vulnerability, sexual objectification, and shame. Yet, there's a growing movement that is challenging these societal norms and finding freedom in the very act of baring it all: naturism. For women, especially, naturism offers an incredible opportunity for empowerment, allowing them to reclaim their bodies from the hegemonic standards of beauty and propriety. In this exploration into the world of women in naturism, we will uncover how shedding clothes can lead to an uplifting of spirit, mind, and community.

To fully understand the power of naturism for women, it's crucial to look back at history. For centuries, the female body has been subjected to the male gaze, with standards of modesty often forced upon them as a tool of control. From the restrictive corsets of the Victorian era to the “perfect” body images of modern media, women's bodies are arenas on which culture wars are fought.

But in this contest for autonomy, naturism arose as a counter-culture in the early 20th century, emphasizing a return to nature and innocence—states devoid of societal judgment and constraint. Women participating in this movement discovered a conduit for liberation, equality, and self-acceptance.

Before continuing, let's define what we mean by naturism. Naturism is a lifestyle choice centered around the practice of social nudity to foster respect for oneself, respect for others, and respect for the environment. It’s distinguished from mere nudism by its ethical and community-minded approach. While it may involve group activities such as swimming, hiking, or sunbathing, its essence is about being comfortable and free in one’s natural state, without sexual connotations.

Nudity has the dual power to disempower and empower, depending on the context. In the wrong settings, the naked body can be a source of shame and exploitation, while when embraced consensually and appropriately, it can foster freedom and confidence. Studies have shown that participating in naturist activities can lead to improvements in body image, self-esteem, and overall happiness.

Women practicing naturism often speak of the sense of agency over their bodies that they gain when they shed their clothes. Without the trappings of fashion or the societal pressure to "dress to impress," they're able to define themselves on their terms and confront body image issues head-on.

Naturist environments are usually accepting and non-judgmental spaces where women can appreciate the variety of human bodies. This exposure to real bodies, rather than the Photoshopped versions often seen in media, can help in realizing that all bodies are normal, and there isn't a singular way to be beautiful.

The drive to embrace naturism as a form of empowerment is rooted in individual experience but bears universal resonances. Women from all walks of life find community and solidarity in naturist settings. This community is crucial in fostering a supportive environment where the principles of respect and acceptance are upheld.

By choosing when and where to be nude, women reclaim the narrative around their bodies, challenging the pervasive culture of objectification. In the fair and equal-minded environment that naturism strives to create, women can express their nudity without it being sexualized by others.

Personal stories from women in the naturist community often underscore the sense of freedom and empowerment they feel. From feeling at peace with imperfections, gaining confidence through the acceptance of others, to simply enjoying the sun on their skin without the barrier of clothes, these experiences are powerful testaments to naturism's positive impact.

Though empowerment is a significant theme within the naturist movement, it doesn't mean the path is without hurdles. The sexualization of the female body, privacy concerns, and the misunderstanding of the naturist lifestyle are ongoing challenges that women in naturism have to navigate.

In an era where unauthorized images can quickly spread online, privacy is a predominant concern, especially for women. Naturist communities are often highly aware of these issues and work diligently to maintain the privacy and safety of their members.

Naturism often battles against misconceptions, the most harmful of which is the conflation of naturism with sexuality. Educating the public on the non-sexual and health-positive aspects of naturism is an ongoing effort.

Beyond personal empowerment, women's participation in naturism can have far-reaching sociopolitical implications. Body freedom is deeply linked to women's rights, and the act of women collectively embracing nudity can be a form of silent protest against the objectification and sexualization they face in society.

There are intersections between naturism and feminism, with both movements advocating for body autonomy and against the objectification of women. Applying a feminist lens to naturism, we can see how liberating the female body from societal expectations is a radical act.

Women who embrace naturism can also act as role models, demonstrating that choosing how and when to present their bodies is a personal right. This empowerment can inspire others to explore their relationship with their bodies and, potentially, with naturism as well.

For those interested in exploring naturism for empowerment, there are ways to begin this journey thoughtfully and safely.

Start by researching local naturist communities and events. Many groups have women-only spaces or events to provide an introduction to the lifestyle in a comfortable setting.

Engage in open communication with those in your life who may be impacted by your choice. Consent and respect for others' comfort levels are core to the naturist philosophy.

Begin with small steps. Try spending time nude at home, or visit a naturist beach or resort. The key is to proceed at your own pace and within your comfort zone.


Empowerment through nakedness is not merely an individual journey of self-acceptance; it's a broader cultural shift challenging the entrenched stigmas surrounding the female body. Women in naturism are at the forefront of this transformative experience, not just for themselves but for society. As the movement grows, it holds the promise of a world where nudity is stripped of shame, and empowerment is worn with pride — naturally, openly, humanely.