November 2022
November 11, 2022, they are not just soldiers. They are our heroes. We owe so much to them. Let us never forget to pray for them and their families. Let us never forget the sacrifices they have made for us. A great nation is built on herculean efforts of bravery and courage! We thank all the brave souls who took the risk of putting their lives in jeopardy to help build a great nation! You are the real heroes of this country! Have an incredible Happy and Proud Veteran’s Day.
AANR – Education Foundation Announcement The William Bisbee Scholarship Award
The AANR Education Foundation is pleased to announce the William Bisbee Scholarship Award funded by William Bisbee, a Montana resident who has been involved with social nudism throughout the United States for over 40 years.
A one-time scholarship of $5,000 will be awarded to a student without nudist experience who must complete these steps: attend an AANR resort for 2-3 days and submit an experiential article on their experience: it will then be judged by the Education Foundation and the best piece will be determined as the scholarship winner. The chosen article will be published in the AANR Bulletin, the Undressed Press, and the Naturist Hub. If the student secures publication in a national or regional non-nudist publication an additional $1,000 may be added to the award.
Students of all majors are encouraged to apply, especially journalism, creative writing, sociology, philosophy, etc. For the application process and more details, please visit the Education Foundation website at
To facilitate your coverage of this scholarship please contact the AANR Education Foundation at the following email:

We are sending good wishes to you this Thanksgiving! Good food that fills your table, good health as you work hard, and good times with family and friends. May you have all the best delights in life. Happy Thanksgiving!
“I am not a naturist, a nudist, a streaker, nor an exhibitionist. Labels are for clothes. My unclothed appearance is also not motivated sexually nor out of any gratuitous need to seek attention. I believe that while society continues to have a fundamentally negative relationship with the human body and appearance, we can never be a free or mature society. It’s the 21st century. Time to evolve.” Russell Higgs
By Kay Nauta
Autumn. Fall. End of summer. This is the time of year that many of us can find a little depressing. Vacations have been taken, the children are back in school, the freedom of summer has ended. In most areas of the country, the weather is turning cold. The changing leaves have been giving us a beautiful show, but their colors are now fading as they drift away on the wind.
Falls seems to be a time of endings, introspection, resting and preparing for winter. And with the endings comes a pause of expectation. What comes next? How do we fill this time between glorious summer and joyous holidays? What can be done when things seem to be coming to an end?
As everything has its opposite, so do endings. With every ending, there is a new beginning. Traditionally, we think of springtime for new beginnings, but fall has just as many opportunities for beginnings if we look with an enthusiastic perspective.
Most of us hate to see the cold weather arrive and keep us away from nude sunbathing, nude hiking, sports and other outdoor activities. But let’s look at a few of the new indoor activities that we can begin doing that can be just as enjoyable. How about evenings by the fireplace with warm drinks, good friends or family and lively conversations or fun games? What a great way to connect with others and relax!
Disappointed that it’s too cold outside to grill some juicy steaks or hamburgers? Why not try a new recipe in the kitchen? You can even cook in the nude if you so desire. Get your significant other or kids interested and cooking dinner can turn into a party!
You don’t have to give up exercising when the weather cools. In fact, it’s a great time to try out some new exercise videos or sign up for a new yoga or dance class. Staying in good physical shape will give you more energy for the holidays and help maintain your weight when it comes time for turkey, mashed potatoes, dressing, cookies and pumpkin pie.
Fall is the perfect time to begin reading a new book. If the season is a little depressing for you, try reading an inspirational book or one that teaches a new skill or hobby. Relax in the evenings with an intriguing mystery, romance novel or humorous stories. Books can teach us so much, give us so much pleasure and take us to so many new places without ever leaving the comfort of home on a crisp autumn day.
This is also the perfect time to take advantage of that pause mentioned earlier and reflect on your life. Are you happy with your relationships? Has this year been successful and satisfying? Are there changes that need to be made? Take an honest assessment of your life and make some new beginnings now, while we’re in this time in between, this pause. Get a head start on new endeavors, habits or projects for the upcoming year. There’s no need to wait until January to make that New Year’s resolution. Make a resolution or a new beginning now because now is the best time to start.
As the seasons change, so do we. If we go through these changes with grace, reverence and attunement with Mother Nature instead of fighting her, our days can be breathtaking! Enjoy your breathtaking autumn!
Wreaths Across America Day

December 17, 2022
Make a difference and Honor our Heroes!
Sponsor a $15 wreath today to be placed on a Veteran's grave this December at a National Cemetery of your choice.
AANR receives $5 for each wreath ordered.
All proceeds further AANR's mission statement.
Help protect nude recreation and nude living throughout North America.
Support your nudist rights and make a difference for all of us.
Scan the QR code on the right with your smartphone camera to make a donation online or visit the website and scroll down the page to see the heading How We Teach and click on Find a Specific Group. Then type in AANR and it will come up for you to choose where you would like your wreath(s) placed.
“Are we so narrow-minded that we show war, murder, rape, etc. on TV, but we are not allowed to show one of the most wonderful creations (the human body) in its natural form.” Mario Roman
Same Beach New Outfit
Finally made it to Wreck Beach over the long weekend!
For a girl that likes to be naked – I have spent a lot of time in recent blog posts talking about bathing suits. I’ve had my reasons. I’ve had my reasons why I have had to wear bathing suits recently. I have also found reasons and ways to get out of wearing bathing suits. Today, I'm going to talk about something new I wore during our weekend visit to a clothing-optional beach – pubic hair. I might have just lost some readers here – but for those of you who stuck around – this is legitimately the first time I have not been clean-shaven going to a nude beach. I also got to try out my new sarong – but that was a lot less out of place than my new outfit. I also didn’t spend the entire time naked – for lunch we went for hotdogs – a Wreck Beach tradition of ours – I put on my shorts. I think going forward I will refer to this as “my new outfit” instead of pubic hair or my bush or whatever else I might think. And to clear things up – I am not talking 1970’s bush, I am talking well-maintained, manicured hedge work kind of bush. Think Victorian Garden, not Victorian… Read more

Officer Bio

David Ziegler, AANR West Treasurer
How and why most people misinterpret nudity
Do you consider the picture above to be concerning or problematic in any way? If you’re a naturist, the answer is “no, not at all”. It’s simply a man and a woman enjoying themselves in a natural setting. So what if they’re naked? How could that be objectionable in any way? [If you’re reading this on Facebook, you’ll have to follow the link to see the picture.]
But for most people who aren’t naturists, the picture could be somewhat or very disturbing, alarming, or even “offensive”. For sure, showing that picture on Facebook or most other social media would not be tolerated and would probably cause the account of whoever posted it to be canceled. And most people (at least in the U.S.) would contend it could be harmful to children (especially younger ones) to see it. What can account for such extreme and ridiculous attitudes? Read more
How serious has U.S. naturism's decline been in the past several decades?
We need to look at historical trends of naturism in the U.S. in order to gain a perspective on how naturism gradually grew in popularity from its earlier days in the U.S. (about 3 decades after it arose in Germany) and achieved some degree of success up through the 1960s and for several subsequent decades. Unfortunately, after that, a period of decline set in during the 1990s and has continued to the present day. However, being very specific about the exact dates is difficult, since the naturist organizations AANR and TNS have tended to be vague about their actual membership numbers. And, of course, there isn’t any way to keep reasonable track of how many people visit nude beaches (and actually get naked). Read more
“I just love having no clothes on outside, and the only time to do that is when the sun’s shining. It’s a wonderful sensation to not have any clothes on.” P.J. Harvey, singer.
AANR Online Meet & Greet
Join the AANR in the community as often as you can every first and third Thursday via Zoom at 8 pm Eastern time, 7 pm Central time, 6 pm Mountain time and 5 pm Pacific time.
Meet fellow nudists and get a chance to chat.
Contact to sign up.
Once you have signed up, you will receive announcements on the current weekly topics. So, be sure to add This email address is for announcements only if you have questions or comments, please email
You do not need to register for each chat. Once you have joined the list, you don’t need to register each week. Your name will be added to a google group that will be used to send out reminders for these chats. Only the volunteer leaders of this group will be able to see your emails. Your email address will never be shared. If you wish to opt out of receiving future messages from the group, simply send an email to
Club Spotlight - The Sequoians
Sequoians is a social nude membership club that caters to its members, affiliated club members, members' guests, and new visitors considering membership. Everyone can enjoy nude recreation in our safe and family-friendly forest park-like setting.
Sequoians is a cooperative; members pool together to create fun activities and events — it is also a place where members enjoy days of nude relaxation, tanning, swimming, relaxing in the hot tub, camping, hiking, wildlife, bird watching, lawn games, and other activities.
During the club’s Open Season (April through October) visitors may visit three times on Saturdays, Sundays, or holidays before deciding if they’d like to apply for membership. Membership entitles them to continued access to Sequoians’ grounds for the purpose and enjoyment of nude recreation.
Club Spotlight - Southern California Naturist Association
SCNA is a clothing-optional "travel club," which means we are a social organization of nudists and like-minded friends with no specific park or resort to call home. We meet in the backyards of members with swimming pools or Jacuzzis, or we go sailing off the coast, or we hike on secluded mountain trails or visit local beaches where we can enjoy the surf and sand as nature intended. We also participate in many activities at the various nudist resorts in our fair state.
Some text goes here.
AANR West Club Events
Friday, November 4, 2022
8:00 pm DJ Party by “Meet Matter” - Lupin Lodge
8:00 pm DJ Dance with OZ - Glen Eden Sun Club
Saturday, November 5, 2022
9:00 am Women’s Tennis Tournament - Glen Eden Sun Club
12:30 pm 8 Ball Tournament - Glen Eden Sun Club
1:00 pm Yoga & Sound Healing - Lupin Lodge
8:00 pm DJ Dance, Fernando - Glen Eden Sun Club
8:00 pm Let's Dance - Shangri La Ranch
Sunday, November 6, 2022
12:30 pm 9 Ball Tournament - Glen Eden Sun Club
1:00 pm Qi-Gong - Lupin Lodge
Monday, November 7, 2022
4:00 pm Monday Night Football- Glen Eden Sun Club
Friday, November 11, 2022
6:00 pm Midnight Martini Lounge Act - Glen Eden Sun Club
Saturday, November 12, 2022
11:00 am Last Volleyball Tournament of the Year - Lupin Lodge
1:00 pm Holiday Boutique - Sequoians
2:00 pm Life Drawing - Lupin Lodge
2:30 pm Nude Life Drawing to Live Classical Music - Lupin Lodge
3:00 pm Volleyball Tournament - Lupin Lodge
7:00 pm Dance with Little George Band - Glen Eden Sun Club
8:00 pm Pajama Dance Party & Canned Food Drive - Laguna Del Sol Resort
8:00 pm Saturday Dance - Shangri La Ranch
Monday, November 14, 2022
4:00 pm Monday Night Football- Glen Eden Sun Club
Saturday, November 19, 2022
5:00 pm Thanksgiving Dinner and Food Drive - Sequoians
8:00 pm Disco Night - Shangri La Ranch
Monday, November 21, 2022
4:00 pm Monday Night Football- Glen Eden Sun Club
Thursday, November 24, 2022
5:00 pm Thanksgiving Dinner - Lupin Lodge
Saturday, November 26, 2022
6:00 pm Movie Night - Lupin Lodge
8:00 pm Saturday Dance - Shangri La Ranch
Monday, November 28, 2022
4:00 pm Monday Night Football- Glen Eden Sun Club
Director Bio

Hello! My name is Kay Nauta. I am an AANR-West Director. I was elected to the Board of Directors in July 2021. This is my first term as a director, so I’m still learning about the organization and how I can best serve it and its members. I’m currently serving on the marketing committee and as co-chair of the WINR (Women in Nude Recreation) committee with Linda Weber. I’m also a liaison with Judy Tomboc for the Western Nudist Research Library.
I’m enjoying all my duties as a director, but I’m most interested in WINR and what we can do to encourage more women to understand the benefits of a nudist/naturist lifestyle. I believe this interest stems from the fact that I didn’t become a nudist until I was over 50 years old. Before then, I had never given a thought to being a nudist. I was raised with the belief that being nude was shameful and not acceptable behavior.
After my marriage of 33 years came to an end, I became best friends with a nudist. My friend talked to me about the benefits of nudism, how freeing it was and how much it can boost one’s self-esteem and self-acceptance. After a divorce, I was in dire need of all that and more. On a whim, I agreed to an au Naturelle dip in my friend’s hot tub. It was so great! It amazed me how quickly I became comfortable with being outdoors – NUDE!
My next step was going to a clothing-optional spa where only a few people were lounging around the pool. After about 15 minutes of being the only person with a robe on, I felt out of place and got rid of the robe. What a liberating and self-esteem-boosting experience that was! I was naked, in front of other people, I DID IT! I CAN DO ANYTHING!
From that moment, I could truly see and feel all the benefits (some even life-changing) of nudism. I hope that my term as an AANR-West director and serving on the WINR committee will give me many opportunities to help women understand and experience the self-love that the nudist philosophy promotes.
My life before nudism was pretty average. I was born in Denver, Colorado. My family moved to a rural area outside of Fort Collins, Colorado when I was seven years old and I grew up on a mini farm with lots of dogs, cats, chickens, pigs, rabbits and horses. I have lived within 10 miles of Fort Collins since then. I was married for 33 years, divorced 11 years ago. I have a son, daughter-in-law and three grandchildren.
During the years I was married, I took care of the bookkeeping and customer service part of my husband’s parking lot cleaning business and I also ran a part-time yard cleaning business. I became a Reiki Master in 2008 but have only practiced for friends and family (so far). I have worked for the State of Colorado for 10 years and hope to retire soon and enjoy more naked time!