June 2022

AANR West Summer Festival
Join us at Glen Eden Sun Club as we kick off the beginning of summer with a huge party.
Glen Eden Sun Club has scheduled many fun activities for this 3-day weekend event. June 3rd to June 5th.
Join in or feel free to just watch the volleyball, tennis, pickleball, and ping pong tournaments, all of which are open to everyone to participate.
Other activities have also been planned for those not into the sports activities.
This is going to be a weekend you will not want to miss.
For more information contact Glen Eden Sun Club at info@gleneden.com or check out their website at Glen Eden Sun Club Southern California's Premier Nudist Resort Corona

AANR Online Meet & Greet Thursday, June 2, 2022
Join us in community as often as you can every first and third Thursday via Zoom at 8 pm Eastern, 7 pm Central, 6 pm Mountain, 5 pm Pacific.
Meet Fellow nudists and get a chance to chat.
Contact sigs@aanr.com to signup.
Topics for June 2
Nudism and Religion
Nudism and Culture
Funniest Nudist Story
You will be added to aanr-sigs@googlegroups.com for announcements, so please add this email address to your contacts.
You can test your zoom setup anytime at
For Windows PCs
The Team for Women in Nude Recreation for AANR-West would like to invite you to:
Forum for Women Only
Discussing Nudism and topics surrounding the Nudist Philosophy
Time: June 21 -6:00 PM Pacific Time (US and Canada)
"AANR-West Club Review"
We want to hear about your recent AANR-West club visits. What did you like, what didn’t you like?
We want to know how we’re doing!
Host: Linda Weber, AANR-W Board member, and WINR Chair; @TrueBlueNude on Twitter and other social media platforms.
Speaker: Kay Nauta, AANR-W Board member and member of Mountain Air Ranch in Colorado
The Forum will run approximately an hour and will be clothing-optional. If you would like to be nude, great! If not, please feel free to wear what you are comfortable in.
If you have a female friend who would like to "dip a toe" into nudism/naturism, please feel free to have them sit in as we will have a Q&A session to answer questions you may have regarding living the nudist philosophy.
To ensure the safety of the participants of this "ladies only" event, participants must have a camera and be visible. Unfortunately, at this time, we cannot entertain call-in visitors. Thank you for being so understanding of this safety protocol.
If you would like to join us, please e-mail WINR@aanrwest.org to obtain the call-in information.

The WINR Wire
By Kay Nauta
The beautiful days and nights of Summer are upon us! AANR-West clubs and resorts are in their high season and special events are in full swing. Between events, they offer pools to enjoy, hot tubs to soak in, sports to play, nature paths to hike, and many other activities for fun and relaxation. This is the perfect time to visit your favorite AANR-West clubs or try one out for the first time.
For many women, the first experience in a nudist setting can be scary and intimidating. This is very understandable. Our society tells us it is wrong to be in public unclothed and transcending that belief is a scary undertaking, but it can be a life-changing experience.
Some women prefer their first nudist experience to be with a small group of friends that they already know and trust. Other women have found that they prefer to be part of a large gathering for their first time. They can then just blend in with the crowd and not be noticed individually.
I recently spoke with a young lady who had her first social nudist experience at nude bowling night with the Rocky Mountain Naturist group. More than sixty people attended but, since most folks were focused on their bowling score and their bowling team, she felt that she was just one of the crowd. She felt so comfortable bowling, that a couple of weeks later, she attended a sauna party hosted by the same group. That was a much smaller gathering of eighteen members, but she joined the conversations and games and enjoyed a fun afternoon. I’m sure I will see her at upcoming events. Read more
“Clothing has a dual function: to protect and classify socially.”
What is World Naked Gardening Day and how is it celebrated?
WORLD NAKED GARDENING DAY promotes doing a normal chore such as gardening while being naked, which is also a normal thing to do for a human.
It is aimed at normalizing body types and helping people appreciate their and others' bodies rather than body shame or feel self-conscious about their bodies.
This event is held every year, and gardeners and non-gardeners celebrated by going out in their gardens and doing the chores naked. Read more
'I'm a chef at a nude resort, cooking while naked is painful but I love it'
Cooking in the buff might sound up your street until you think of the painful grease splatters that could occur.
But one naturist who loves cooking naked insists it's a liberating experience - and that the risks are outweighed by the benefits of the unusual pastime.
Chef Kim Lariviere, who works at a nude resort in Ontario, Canada, says she has learned to stand back from the oil - which seems wise.
She told MEL magazine: "You get spat at constantly when you make bacon, and my boobs get the worst of it.
"I have to man the grill, the flat top, the burners, and the deep fryer. It can get a little bit painful, but I wouldn’t have it any other way.” Read more
“Is not the most erotic part of the body wherever the clothing affords a glimpse?”
Roland Barthes
The all-new Hawaiian Naturist Park is now an AANR club
A Clothing Optional Bed & Breakfast Venue Where All Are Welcome
Located in the tropical rainforest, it’s hard to believe that this great escape from the city is just 7 miles from Hawai'i Volcanoes National Park!
Imagine feeling the warmth of the filtered morning sunlight peering through the Ohia trees as you sip a warm cup of coffee clothes-free! Tropical bird songs fill the jungle! Maybe you will go for a dip in our pure rainwater pool or head to the incredible jetted lava rock showers! Enjoy our wood-burning Sauna too! Words and pictures can't convey what it's like to experience this very special place. Being able to enjoy it all nude just adds to the tranquility.
We believe wholesome nudist recreation can bring extraordinary joy to families, couples, and singles. Read more

AANR-West Academic/Vocational Scholarship
The AANR-West Board has come to an agreement that we would provide one merit-based scholarship in 2022 in the amount of $1,250.00. There will, however, be a few differences this year.
• First, only students graduating from high school in May/June of the 2022 academic year can apply.
• Second, the student must indicate that they have been accepted for vocational education at a regionally accredited vocational college, or at a regionally accredited community college or university. Proof of acceptance will be required.
• Third, we are no longer requiring letters of support from parents or other advocates of the student.
• Fourth, the applicant must clearly establish that they are a member of a nudist family, members of AANR-West and fully participate in the nudist lifestyle.
• Fifth, the student must provide a copy of their most recent high school transcripts indicating an overall Grade Point Average of 2.9 (on a four-point scale).
• Sixth, the student must (and this is important) prepare a letter in which they describe their (1) learning experience in high school, including a commentary on the classes that they felt, were most beneficial to their overall learning experience. (2) The letter must also demonstrate a clear indication that the student is capable of both critical and analytical thinking, self-evaluation, the ability to construct a train of thought, as well as demonstrate a command of English grammar and syntax. (3) The letter must also include the student’s view of what lies next for them in their lifelong learning experience.
• Finally, the letter must be typewritten (word-processed), in 12-point type with 1-inch margins and double spaced.
The deadline for receipt of all material is June 30, 2022, with a subject line of AANR-West Scholarship. A completed application consists of the most current high school transcripts and the letter described above. Incomplete applications will not be considered; thus, it would be best to send all the required material in the same email. The committee will review the applications and respond no later than July 20, 2022.
All material must be sent via email to Larry.Gould@nau.edu
Larry A. Gould, PhD
Associate Vice President (Retired)
Professor Emeritus
Northern Arizona University
Executive Director
World Social Science Association