January 2022
Welcome 2022
Another year has passed, another year has come. With every new year comes greater challenges and obstacles in life. We wish you courage, hope, and faith to overcome all the hurdles you may face.
Each year begins a new book. We will open the book. Its pages are blank. We are going to put words on them ourselves. The book is called Opportunity, and its first chapter is New Year’s Day. The first entry in this book reads: Know that whatever 2022 brings, we’ll be here for you. Can’t wait to see what the coming year holds.
May you have a momentous and wonderful time ahead.
Carpinteria Design Board Approves Rincon Trail
The Carpinteria Architectural Review Board held a hearing on October 28 to consider that portion of the Rincon Trail which is on its city property. This is about 40% of the trail and is the part that falls on the north of the hill separating the freeway from the beach, the rest – the controversial part – is on county property. The meeting focuses on that part of the trail that starts at Hwy 150 and runs parallel to the 101 Freeway heading south for about a quarter-mile.
The contest part of the Trail includes a bridge that will cross the railroad tracks from the freeway side and to the beachside of the hill, just east of where the nude beach is.
About 50 people attended the hearing at City Hall prepared to protest the southern side of the proposed Trail. Besides FOBB, the vast majority of those in attendance were paragliders who were protesting the plan’s removal of over 100,000 cubic feet of the hill above the beach required by the proposal. Doing so will remove the wind updrafts necessary for the gliders to soar. The Committee chair told them to hold their complaints for a different hearing in a few months when the Planning Commission will consider the revised Environmental Impact Report on the Trail. Read more

Word On Wellness—Exercise Is Key
By Cindy Savage
Daily exercise affects our overall well-being. Nudists love to exercise almost as much as we love to eat. We’re outside soaking up Vitamin D while playing sports, running 5Ks, doing yoga, Zumba or swimming. It’s easy to see how running, biking or tennis strengthens your heart, builds muscles and stamina. In combination with a healthy diet, exercise also builds brain health by keeping your arteries clear and open and maintaining a good blood supply. Oxygen goes in, waste comes out. This combination of whole plant foods and exercise also helps tackle blood pressure and cholesterol issues, diabetes, and weight problems, all of which affect the brain. Exercise produces BDNF (brain-derived neurotrophic factor), which helps the brain grow new connections (synapses) between brain cells and protects the cells and connections you already have.
What kind of exercise do we need? Aerobic (cardio), Resistance (strength) Flexibility (stretch) and Balance are all necessary aspects of the E in NEURO. Each has its own benefits. Read more
“The key to being Naked is not just about taking your clothes off … It’s about seeing, feeling and acknowledging every inch of your skin as a holy temple.”—Stephanie McManus
Carnival Pride chartered for nude cruise in 2022
With the coronavirus pandemic still wreaking havoc across the globe, it’s unclear when cruises will be able to return to the open waters. One company, however, is betting that by 2022, not only will people be able to cruise again, they also won’t need clothes to do so.
Bare Necessities, a company that offers nudist cruise events, has announced that it will once again be hosting its "Big Nude Boat" event in February of 2022, presumably in the hopes of allowing plenty of time for the ongoing pandemic to pass. The trip is booked on the Carnival Pride and will last two weeks (which is apparently one week longer than previous nude cruises), according to the announcement. Read more
Is There A Nude Campground In Quartzsite?
Want to connect to nature in a whole new way? Why not give nude camping a try! Although the thought of nude camping may have never crossed your mind, it is quite popular in certain places. If you’re looking to spice up your camping, you won’t want to miss a nude campground in Quartzsite.
So, Is There a Nude Campground in Quartzsite?
Yes! Quartzsite, Arizona is a popular snowbird destination. But it is also a popular place if you’re looking for a nude campground. The nude campground in Quartzsite is located just south of the La Posa Long-Term Visitor Area.
The Magic Circle is a nude campground in Quartzsite. The Magic Circle offers dispersed camping, but there are a few amenities nearby. Reviewer's report there is a dump station and a place to get fresh water and toss your trash.
You’ll just have to drive a couple of miles up the road to the La Posa Long-Term Visitor Area. Read more
“Take off your shoes and feel the grass beneath your feet. Then take off your clothes and feel the sun and the air and the world.”
Barry Knell
Are we making a joke of ourselves?
Like the other day, when we stumbled upon this short article about the 5 funniest names of nudist events in New York. Truth to be said, the names “Northern Exposure Sun Club” and “Split Rock Hole” caused a wry smile around our own lips as well. We immediately remembered the Meandering Naturist’s blog post about the joys of living naked in which Dan has quite a ramble about the nudist puns that seem to be kept alive by ourselves, the nudists, in the names of our events and facilities. We asked ourselves the same question: Are we making a joke of ourselves?
It’s true, you won’t find a Butt Hutt or Split Rock Hole on this side of the Atlantic. The restaurant at a European naturist resort is most often just called “The Restaurant”. Or they choose something more descriptive, like “The pizzeria”. And in some cases, they aim for a fancy name, like “Le Gaïa” at CHM Montalivet or “La Paillote” at Bagheera.
We could argue that the European naturists might be more boring or less creative than their North American peers. Or that they just take naturism much more seriously. In any case, we’re pretty sure that this phenomenon is very location-dependent. Because even at the most European-style naturist resort that we found in North America, Bare Oaks Family Naturist Park in Canada, they did have a “Bare Bistro”. Read more