February 2024

In the spirit of Valentine's Day, we want to express our heartfelt appreciation and fondness for each one of you. It's the love we share for naturism that unites us, but it's the friendships formed, the laughter exchanged, and the mutual respect that makes our community truly special.
This shared journey of body acceptance, freedom, and unity continues to flourish because of your unwavering support and enthusiasm. As we shed our layers in more ways than one, we find genuine connections and develop lasting bonds.
On this day of love and every day henceforth, let's continue to respect, support, and look after each other. Embrace the spirit of Valentine's Day by extending understanding and love to those within our naturist family and beyond. Ties that are nurtured with love and acceptance are the most enduring.
Here's a Valentine's wish from us to you: May your year be filled with love, warmth, and treasured moments with your naturist family.
Happy Valentine's Day, AANR Western Region members and friends. We are truly grateful for every one of you.
The History of Naturism: Origins and Evolution
The rise of naturism — a movement advocating for communal nakedness and a return to nature — is a story both intriguing and inspiring. With roots deeply embedded in global cultures, the naturist lifestyle has traveled through centuries, continually evolving and adapting to societal changes. Let's embark on a captivating journey, tracing naturism's origins and its evolution through the ages.
Back to the Roots: The Birth of Naturism
In many ways, naturism is innate to human nature and grounded in our earliest civilizations. From the Edenic symbolism where Adam and Eve were 'naked and not ashamed,' to ancient Greek palaestras that celebrated the human form in athletics and arts, elements of naturist lifestyles can be traced back thousands of years.
Archaeological and historical evidence reveal that communal nudism was a part of various cultures. Indigenous tribes globally practiced communal nakedness as a norm rather than an exception. The communal nakedness of these societies is often seen as the precursor to modern naturism.
Into the Shadows: The Ascendance of 'Clothed' Cultures
The rise of the textile industry, religious influences, and changing societal norms in the Middle Ages began to overshadow the acceptance of body nudity. Clothes evolved as symbols of social status, propriety, and morality.
By the Victorian era, prudery had reached its peak. Bodies were clothed extensively, and public nudity (even among the same sex) was viewed as scandalous and inappropriate. There was a stark shift from enjoying the freedom of the body to veiling it.
The Rebirth of Naturism: Enlightenment, Revolution, and the Birth of Modern Naturism
The late 19th century and early 20th centuries witnessed the rebirth of naturism, fuelled by the Age of Enlightenment's ideologies, the advent of photography, and the rise of socialist revolutions.
In Germany, Richard Ungewitter is considered one of naturism's founding fathers. His book, "Die Nacktheit" (Nakedness), published in 1894, put forth robust arguments on returning to nature and shedding artificiality. The book was the springboard for early naturist organizations, the inception of naturist clubs, and camps, marking the beginning of organized Naturism — or Freikörperkultur (FKK), meaning 'Free Body Culture.'
Post-War Naturism: Nudism as a Lifestyle Movement
The two World Wars significantly impacted the naturist movement. Post-war, disillusioned by the horrors of war, people sought solace in nature, promoting health, and simplicity. Consequently, there was a surge in interest in naturism.
In France, Albert and Christine Lecocq were instrumental in the post-war naturist revival. They advanced naturism as a lifestyle, merging it with family values, health, and fitness. Their efforts led to the creation of the International Naturist Federation (INF) in 1953, an institution that would shape modern naturism.
Swinging Sixties: Nudity, Freedom, and Cultural Revolution
The cultural revolution of the 1960s further pushed the boundaries of nudity and social taboos. The decade introduced a 'free love' mindset, blending nudity with the fight for gender equality and sexual liberation. Woodstock, a pivotal moment of this era, had public nudity becoming a symbol of peace, love, and freedom.
The Rise of Commercial Naturism: Clubs, Resorts and Nude Cruises
As the 20th century progressed, the naturist lifestyle got a commercial touch. Naturist clubs and resorts sprouted globally, facilitating a community for like-minded individuals. Nude cruises and beaches offered vacationers a space to express their body positivity freely.
Trade associations, like the American Association for Nude Recreation (AANR) and British Naturism, began offering certifications to naturist clubs globally. These introduced standards, thereby combating public anxieties about nudity-related perverse behavior.
Naturism in the Digital Age: Virtual Acceptance and New Challenges
The advent of the digital age transformed naturism yet again. Blogs, forums, and social media enabled widespread discourse on naturism, body positivity, and acceptance. Still, it sparked new challenges, such as privacy concerns, online safety, and conflicts with social media policies on nudity.
Moreover, the digital age facilitated virtual naturism during pandemic lockdowns, with video platforms running virtual nude events, yoga classes, and social meetups.
Naturism Today: A Tapestry of Personal Freedom and Acceptance
Today, naturism is recognized as a pathway to body acceptance, boosting self-esteem and mental well-being. Whether through social nudism in clubs and resorts or practicing home naturism, adherents identify the profound benefits of unashamed nakedness.
The millennial and Gen-Z generations are increasingly normalizing non-sexual nudity and exploring naturism in the pursuit of de-sexualizing the female body, body positivity, eco-movement, self-expression, and freedom to choose.
In many ways, the naturist movement represents a counter-culture against predefined societal norms dictated by fashion, media, and sometimes religion.
The Journey Continues
The history of naturism is a fascinating journey that echoes humanity's inherent relationship with nature and body acceptance. With roots planted centuries ago and branches reaching far into various cultures, it continues to evolve, confront societal norms, and campaign for personal freedom and body positivity.
Navigating through societal changes, naturism has managed to survive, adapt, and grow. From a movement that battled prudery and societal resistance, it has evolved into a community that promotes body positivity, acceptance, and self-expression.
Whether you're a seasoned naturist, a curious observer, or someone seeking body positivity, the story of naturism serves as a chronicle of humanity's ceaseless quest for freedom and acceptance. As we march into the future, let's celebrate naturism's remarkable journey and be open to the insightful transformations it holds for each of us.

Narrowing a quintessential historical narrative to a month-long observance can often dilute the essence of the story. Yet, even in this conciseness, recognizing Black History Month serves as a profound message, acknowledging the pivotal contributions, accomplishments, and struggles of African Americans. A journey that began as *Negro History Week* in 1926, blossomed into Black History Month, a nationwide celebration, raising the curtain on the often-neglected segments of history.
This article will stride you through a labyrinth of historical transitions — from the advent of Negro History Week and its evolution to Black History Month, all the way to present-day celebrations including Chinese New Year, Mardi Gras, and Valentine's Day. Additionally, it will highlight how AANR West clubs echo these reminiscences.
How it all began: The Birth of Negro History Week
The movement started humbly back in 1926, realizing Carter G. Woodson’s vision—a historian known for his commitment to introducing Black studies into the American education system. His motivation? To break the chains of racial prejudice by emphasizing the impacts and achievements of African Americans. The week was strategically devised around the birthdays of Abraham Lincoln and Frederick Douglass, two icons whose achievements signified hope and change for African Americans.
Almost fifty years later, transformation beckoned. Triggered by the civil rights movement and the urge to acknowledge the Black community's historical significance, Kent State University held the first-ever Black History Month in February 1970. The evolution was persuasive and profound!
The recognition spreads: National Black History Month
Responding to the developing consciousness, Congress designated National Black History Month in 1986, urging all Americans to "celebrate the rich culture and numerous accomplishments of Black Americans in every endeavor throughout our history." This approval by Congress gave it international recognition, revitalizing the world's perspective toward African American accomplishments.
Twists and turns within February: An array of celebrations
The richness of February doesn’t end with Black History Month. Our cultural tapestry extends to the Asian community's Lunar New Year, and the Christian observance of Mardi Gras, all culminating in the universally loved celebration of love — Valentine's Day.
The Chinese New Year: Spring Festival
On February 10th, the traditional Chinese calendar rings in the Spring Festival, marking the end of Winter and the beginning of Spring. This festival, also known as the Lunar New Year in various regions, celebrates harmony, and union, setting the stage for luck and prosperity.
Mardi Gras: Carnival Season
On February 13th, Mardi Gras paints hues of jubilation, characterized by a buoyant collective sentiment. Also known as Carnival or Shrove Tuesday, this celebration signifies the feasting that precedes Lent's Christian season, beginning on Ash Wednesday. While Mardi Gras resonates throughout the globe, its most vibrant and renowned celebration lies in the pulsating city of New Orleans, LA.
Valentine's Day: Celebration of Love
Last but certainly not least occurs on February 14th: Valentine's Day, or Saint Valentine's Day, marking a celebration of love, both platonic and romantic. Initially a feast day in honor of Saint Valentine, by the 1400s it began intertwining with notions of romantic love. By the 1800s, it had woven itself seamlessly with the tradition of gift-giving to express affection.
Local Celebrations: Your AANR West clubs
As we relive the pivotal contributions, achievements, and celebrations this February, don't forget to check out your local AANR West clubs. From highlighting the less-visited aspects of Black History Month, brimming with Chinese New Year festivities, to hosting themed Mardi Gras and Valentine's Day events, our Clubs are the heartbeat keeping these cultural and historical celebrations alive.

AANR West Clubs, Parks, & Resorts
Arroyo del Sol Clothing Optional B&B Destination Club Altadena, CA
Buff-A-Teers Travel Club Tucson, AZ
Canyon State Naturists Travel Club Phoenix, AZ
Clothes Free International Online Club Oakhurst, CA
Clothing Optional Home Network Travel Club Phoenix, AZ
Front Range Naturists Travel Club Boulder, CO
Glen Eden Sun Club Destination Club Corona, CA
Hawaiian Naturist Park Destination Club PĀHOA, HI
Laguna del Sol Destination Club Wilton, CA
Las Vegas Bares Travel Club Las Vegas NV
Las Vegas Naturists Travel Club Las Vegas NV
Le Club Travel Club San Diego, CA
Lupin Lodge Destination Club Los Gatos, Ca
Mohave Sun Club Travel Club Lake Havasu, City AZ
Mira Vista Resort Destination Club Tucson, AZ
Mountain Air Ranch Destination Club Indian Hills, CO
Northern California Exposure Travel Club Sacramento, CA
Olive Dell Ranch Destination Club Colton, CA
Olympian Club Travel Club Riverside, CA
Pacificans Travel Club Corona CA
Roadrunner Naturists Travel Club Albuquerque, NM
Sequoians Destination Club Castro Valley, CA
Shangri La Ranch Destination Club New River, AZ
Southern California Naturist Association Travel Club Calabasas, CA
Southern Utah Naturist Society Travel Club St. George, UT
Sun Tree Travel Club Travel Club Las Cruces, NM
Swim Free Hawaii Boat Charter Destination Club Hawaii, HI
Wasatch Naturists Travel Club South Salt Lake City, UT

Female Perspectives in Naturism: Redefining Beauty Standards
In every corner of society, norms and standards are continually evolving. The veil of conformity and societal pressure begins to lift, and slowly, the essence of genuine beauty is revealed. This revelation is emerging vividly within the naturist community. It is here that women - often subjected to the greatest scrutiny under societal beauty standards - are leading the charge in redefining these standards from a unique perspective.
This article delves into the female perspective on naturism, offering an insight into the transformative journey many women undertake when embracing naturism and its liberating impact on prevalent beauty standards.
Embracing Naturism: The Journey of Self-Discovery
The journey into naturism often begins as a path of self-exploration. It's a quest to understand oneself outside the restricting boundaries of societal norms. For many women, it's a leap into a world where one's worth is not defined by physical appearance, attire, or conformity to mainstream beauty standards.
This shift itself is phenomenally liberating. In a naturist environment, women of all shapes, sizes, ages, and ethnicities learn to appreciate their bodies in their most natural states. They become advocates of body positivity, fostering an environment of acceptance and self-love.
Unveiling the Real Me: Overcoming Societal Beauty Standards
The societal and media portrayal of women has perpetually skewed beauty standards. For decades, women have been flooded with images of a 'perfect' body, further underlined by ultra-thin models, airbrushed magazine covers, and edited social media pictures. These portrayals have culminated in a universal beauty stereotype — distorted, unattainable, and damaging to self-esteem.
Embracing naturism offers a stark contrast to this image. In a naturist setting, beauty is diverse; it doesn't adhere to a singular mold. It's a celebration of the myriad forms, colors, and textures of the human body. This acceptance, empowerment, and celebration of natural diversity profoundly redefine beauty standards, making way for a healthier, more inclusive definition.
Redefining Beauty: From External to Internal
One of the key shifts that occur when embracing naturism is the transition of the concept of beauty from external to internal. The naturist philosophy elaborates that beauty is an internal quality reflected in one's character, kindness, empathy, and authenticity, rather than an external one showcased through physical appearance.
Women in naturism champion this belief. Their experiences echo the gravitational pull towards internal beauty and the liberation it brings. Freedom from societal beauty standards allows space for personality, intellect, and spirit to become the core focal points.
Empowerment Through Naturism: A Collective Transformation
Naturism also fosters empowerment through shared experiences and collective transformation. The communal aspect of naturism, where everyone is equally vulnerable and accepting, builds a supportive community.
For women, especially, the sense of camaraderie within the naturist community is a significant factor in empowerment. Sharing their stories, hearing others, and acknowledging universal vulnerabilities serve as powerful catalysts for change, both individually and collectively.
The Body is Just a Vessel: Shifting Focus to the Person Inside
Another compelling perspective that women in naturism share is the reduced emphasis on the body. In a textile-dominated world, clothing often becomes a tool for judgment and separation. In contrast, by removing the barrier of clothing and societal beauty standards, naturism reverts the focus to the person inside the body, their ideas, and their essence.
The body, in a naturist context, is recognized as just a vessel — not a determinant of worth or attractiveness. This perspective creates an environment where the conversations are about ideas, experiences, and shared interests instead of body shapes, sizes, or attires.
Naturism and Feminism: Parallel Struggles, Mutual Goals
The journey of women in naturism has strong parallels with the feminist movement's objectives. Both are rooted in a quest for equality, personal autonomy, self-acceptance, and the dismantling of harmful societal norms.
Women in naturism resonate with these ideals, making naturist spaces some of the most feminist places one could encounter. The practice of naturism offers a pragmatic, embodied demonstration of feminism, promoting genuine equality between people of all genders.
Challenges, Debates, and Dialogues: Progress and Way Forward
While the naturist community has made significant strides in breaking down societal beauty standards, the journey is far from complete.
To continue this progress, there are certain prospective areas. A dialogue focused on concerns regarding safety and respect, especially for women, is important to make naturism spaces more inclusive and positive. Gender balance is another area of focus to ensure true equality in naturist environments.
Moreover, bringing more voices and stories of women in naturism to the forefront can help shift societal perspectives, effect change, and empower more women to embrace naturism.
A Continual Journey
The female perspective in naturism is vividly transformative, painting a picture of liberation, self-love, and deep-seated resilience that redefines beauty standards in extraordinary ways.
By choosing to embrace their bodies in their most natural form, women in naturism lead the charge against society's narrow definitions of beauty. They are at the forefront of a journey towards inclusivity, acceptance, and equality.
The connection of naturism to feminism, body positivity, and the fight for equality aligns it with broader social and cultural movements, making it a part of an even more significant narrative. The progress it has seen is encouraging. Yet, it's essential to continue championing these discussions, sharing these stories, and fostering these environments of positivity and acceptance.
The wave of redefined beauty standards has begun. As more women adopt the naturist philosophy, more will take part in this tidal shift. And in their brave exploration and acceptance of their selves, they will continue to inspire and change the world one woman at a time, one perspective at a time.
AANR West 2024 Meeting Schedule
AANR Western Regional Spring Board Meeting
March 19-20, 2024
6 PM - 9 PM each night
AANR Western Regional General Assembly 2024
August 9-11, 2024
Shangri La Ranch
AANR Western Regional Fall Board Meeting
November, 2024