August 2022

Current AANR Western Region Officers and Directors
Cyndi Tendick - President, Treena - Saavedra Vice President, Andy Walden - Secretary, David Ziegler - Treasure, and Kathy Watzel -Trustee.
Fredericka Carlile, Michelle Carlson, Larry Gould, Gary Holden, Kay Nauta, Elizabeth Tharrington, Judy Tomboc, Judith Trainor, and Linda Weber.
Many Thanks
AANR Western Region would like to thank Laguna Del Sol for hosting our annual convention from July 28th through July 31st. They did an outstanding job accommodating our needs and working beside us for the activities we brought to the event. Also, many thanks to DJ Jason Rubalcava for driving more than eight hours to provide the musical entertainment at the pool Saturday afternoon and the clubhouse Saturday night.
Thank you to all the volunteers past and present who take time from their busy schedules to keep this organization running. We cannot do it without you.
The 2023 Annual Convention will be held at DeAnza Springs Resort in San Diego County, California July 28th through July 30th, 2023. For any resort, questions contact DeAnza Springs at
If you are interested in reading the minutes of our meeting, they will be posted on the AANR West website soon.
If you are interested in getting involved with AANR West please contact our president at

What are the best nudist beaches in California?
IF YOU'RE looking for a cheeky adventure, one of California's nudist beaches could be just the ticket.
Here are the best nudist beaches in California, whether you're ready to bare it all (or just a little), whether you're a local or visiting on vacation.
What are the best nudist beaches in California?
While they tend to be off the beaten path, there are many nude beaches in California if you know where to find them.
Whether you want to get athletic and play sports like sand volleyball or to relax with lots of space, we've got a list of the best nude beaches for you to visit.
It's essential to look for signage saying that you're on a designated clothing-optional beach before you take off your clothes.
Otherwise, you could get a citation.
Whether you go topless, completely nude, or keep your bathing suit or clothes on is entirely up to you. Read more
“I wasn’t really naked. I simply didn’t have any clothes on.”
Naked daredevil skydive as nature intended naked from 10,000 feet
People do some strange things for charity - but one man has upped the stakes by plunging 10,000 feet from a plane STARK NAKED.
Daredevil Howard Smith, of Pontypridd, has already raked in a whopping £5,500 thanks to his nude exploits.
The idea of doing a skydive as nature intended began as a joke, said the 50-year-old electrical engineer.
But the unusual twist on the fundraising challenge has helped him almost treble the amount he raised in a similar, clothes-on dive last year.
All the cash he raises will go to PONT, a charity that tries to help poverty-stricken communities in Mbale, Uganda. Read more
By Kay Nauta
If you have ever had a conversation with a nudist, visited the American Association for Nude Recreation website or read the AANR newsletters, you are probably remarkably familiar with all the benefits of nudism or naturism. We know that living textile-free can help improve self-esteem and body image and can be very empowering and liberating. Health benefits include our bodies receiving more Vitamin D from the sun and better sleep with the lack of constraining pajamas among many others.
Reiki is an ancient healing therapy that is very complementary to nudist philosophy and can enhance and increase the benefits we gain from nudity. Reiki originated over two thousand years ago in Japan. The name “Reiki” means “universal life energy” and can be interpreted as God, Source, Universal Energy, the Divine and several other terms. It is what gives us life; it is our spirit.
If the universal life energy within us (mind, body, and soul) is in balance we are in a healthy state. That energy can become unbalanced for many reasons, including fear, trauma, stress, and certain beliefs and causes us to become ill. Adopting a nudist philosophy can help us gain back our energy balance as can Reiki therapy. Reiki energy, when channeled to an individual or to yourself, can result in reduced stress, relaxation, and healing on all levels. It can also improve mental clarity, concentration, and self-confidence. It can help relieve pain and may even cure physical and mental diseases and illnesses. Among its unlimited benefits, it simply makes life easier. Read more
“It is an interesting question how far people would retain their relative rank if they were divested of their clothes.”
Real Nudist Comedian Makes Fully Nude Comedy Movie
Not Indie, it's SKINdie: The first TRUE nudist comedy movie ever made!
In a truly original story that is naked and not afraid, Meet TIM CHIZMAR, he's loud and naked, in America that's how you know he's Tim Chizmar. Meet LUCZ PADILLA, she's quieter, religious, and nude, she works at a designer fashion label company in Mexico. Their lives are turned upside-down when these two young nudists are deported to the country of NUDELAND where they can finally live with others that are not Clothes-minded. But even amongst the unique personalities and over-the-top characters (like a reverse Flasher running around) can our heroes ever truly get rid of the shame and anxiety inside and allow themselves to be free? Sure, nude isn't lewd, but it can come with mental baggage. This movie has heart, humor, love, and the best fans in the world as was proved at the sold-out premiere in Pasadena, CA. Read more

Baring All the Facts About Retiring to a Nudist Community
Retirement affords us the time to try new things, take on new adventures, and check off bucket list items. Yet one of the biggest challenges of retirement can be how to spend quality time, be “one with nature,” and among like-minded friends and neighbors, without spending a lot of money.
This is where the American Association for Nude Recreation (AANR), an organization 90 years young, comes into play. They recommend you don’t retire from life just because you’ve retired from work. Rather, reconnect with that free spirit you embodied back in the day.
It's a common misconception that everyone who retires to a clothing-optional resort community is a long-time nudist. Not so. For instance, Cypress Cove Nudist Resort in Kissimmee, Florida, often sees retirees who are fairly new try out the nudist way of life by taking a “nakation vacation” on property. (Cypress Cove, as with many other nudist communities, require prior visitation before becoming a homeowner.) if you’re new to nudism, don’t let that prevent you from considering this kind of fun-in-the-sun retirement, living life au natural. Read more
“The taboo against nakedness is an obstacle to a decent attitude on the subject of sex.”
Christopher Meloni strip down and bulk up for National Nude Day
We knew Christopher Meloni was buff, but his new ad for Peloton reminds us exactly how buff the famously buff actor is thanks to his in-the-buff workout routine. (Got it?)
In May, Meloni told Men's Health that he enjoys working out naked. Peloton tucked that factoid away and struck when the time was right. Now, in honor of National Nude Day, Meloni has stripped down to his skin to show off the different ways he uses the Peloton App to stay fit — although the thing getting the biggest workout might be the blur button.
"Apparently some people think the way I work out is strange," Meloni says at the top of the ad as he slings around free weights in his altogether. "Honestly, I don't get it." Read more
10 Reasons for Being a Naturist
If you enjoy this Article you may wish to read the expanded 31 Illustrated Essays of Reasons shared as a 3 part Blog called A Month of Reasons to Choose Naturism available to read in the Blog library of ANW.
When thinking about the reasons we realised that each reason connected to another. That like naturism itself the positives interconnect. You cannot just take away one positive from being a naturist as each point automatically leads you to another. Read more
Club Spotlight - Canyon State Naturists
We would like to thank you for visiting our website and hope that you will browse our pages with an open mind. We are here to introduce you and others to a clothing-optional concept in recreation. We invite you to learn about the real meaning of the Naturist lifestyle.
Canyon State Naturists and naturism is not about sexually explicit material or titillating pictures. If this is what you are seeking, you will not find it here. We honor and respect the integrity of each of our members. Naturism is not about eroticism or sexuality. Naturism is an appreciation of the artwork of the human body and its harmony with nature. Please browse our pages. We think you will find an aspect of naturism which may surprise you in a way you had not thought about. We enjoy nature in a relaxed, clothes free healthy atmosphere, accompanied by others who are like-minded friendly people. Visit Canyon State Naturist's website
“To be offended by the visual appearance of another person is prejudice, akin to racism. The right to exist, uncovered, should hold precedence over the right not to view this, for the objection is irrational.”
Club Spotlight - The Wasatch Naturists
Wasatch Naturists is a clothing-optional club. We are a social organization of nudists and like-minded friends. We meet for monthly nude swims, we meet at the homes of members, and we travel to hot springs where we can soak as nature intended.
Participating members live mostly along the Wasatch Front including Salt Lake City, Ogden and Provo. Membership is open to people who are over 18. All must undergo an application process and agree to abide by our behavior policies at our events and activities.
But we do more than just have fun. We actively promote and encourage clothing-optional recreation and body acceptance. Our lifestyle is about respect for ourselves, respect for others, and respect for the environment. Nude recreation is non-sexual. If you are looking for a sexual environment, please move on because you won’t find what you are looking for here. Visit Wasatch Naturist's website